
Advanced analytics

The future of telecommunications

The telecommunications industry is nowadays characterized by new customer expectations - namely personalized approach, quick and quality service and an impeccable user experience. These changes are caused by important tech transformations, forcing companies to adjust fast in order to secure their position on the market.

Companies that work in this area can use advanced analytics in this process, in order to transform their data into important business insights. Our team of experts, specialized in the industry, is here to help you develop intelligent data processing, learning, predicting and reporting models, leading to better customer understanding and even more successful business decisions.

Our solutions


Personalized offers

Improve your marketing activities, sales, CRM, current products and services, as well as the accuracy of portfolio expansion success predictions. Create a better customer experience and enable your sales team to provide buyers with personalized offers.


Social network analysis

Customers now use numerous channels, which is why your communication needs to be consistent and relevant. We can help you analyze and create typical groups within a network, identify influencers and explore their opinions in order to understand them better.


User and product segmentation

Using demographic and payment data, together with network and traffic information, we enable you to create clear and precise segmentation of your products and users. Define your target groups and a system of recommendations for each segment.


Churn prediction

It is important to use valuable traffic, network and demography data – generated by analyzing various customer activities, call terminations, complains and customer service dissatisfaction – to keep the existing customers, and increase the number of those loyal to the company.


Traffic analysis

It is time to automate your decision-making process based on the telecommunication traffic projection – at the base station level, or a specific location or a region – considering types of users, their spending habits and the expected income they will generate.


Fraud detection

We can help you stop suspicious actions, eliminate problems in business processes and oversee risk groups. To our partners, we enable tracking of stealing attempts, forgery or violent uses of SIM cards, networks and transactions.


Customer value

Let us help you estimate the potential sum of money a certain user can give to the company for its services over a certain amount of time. Behavior analysis, with all key events included, helps a more precise prediction of future actions, as well as each customer’s loyalty.


Sentiment analysis

Using a text mining platform, you can get clearer insights into your customers’ behavior. The platform classifies feedback information from your channels into appropriate folders, which helps you save time and money significantly.


Propensity to buy

Based on user data, marketing campaigns, demography, location and network traffic data, we provide you with insights into current and future customers’ propensity to buy your services – all to create an even more successful and proactive sales strategy.

Our experts

Our industry experts are here to help with all the additional information you need. Do not hesitate to contact us!


Vladimir Plemic

Executive Sales Director – Telco