Case study

AI for Automatic Email Management: DARS

About the project

For DARS, Comtrade System Integration’s AI-driven project (Infomail) automated email management by classifying and responding to a high volume of inquiries across diverse categories. This solution improved response times and accuracy, streamlined operations, and efficiently handled 500 emails monthly in the infrastructure sector, ultimately enhancing overall customer service efficiency.


  • Email management: High volume of emails requiring classification and
  • Manual processes: Inefficient manual handling of email inquiries.
  • Customization needs: Need for tailored responses to a diverse range of

Outcome and benefits

  • Improved response times: Enhanced response times and accuracy in handling customer
  • Operational efficiency: Streamlined email management, reducing workload for human
  • Categorical handling: Effectively managed 500 emails per month across 60

Project goals

AI Email classification: Implemented an AI system (Infomail) to automatically classify and generate replies to emails.
Efficiency Improvement: Reduced manual intervention in email management.
Custom responses: Ensured tailored responses to different categories of inquiries.

Additional insights

The AI-driven email management system significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of handling customer inquiries in the infrastructure sector.


About the client

Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS) is a state-owned company responsible for the construction, maintenance, and management of Slovenia’s motorway and expressway network. The company has approximately 1,700 employees and is tasked with maintaining over 1,200 kilometers of motorways and expressways.

Key numbers


monthly processed emails


reduced response preparation effort